The customer had difficulties completing projects within the calculated time and most of all “first time right”, all the project were copies from other projects or were build up from scarges which resulted in making the same mistakes over again.
Also the challenge was to get new engineers up to speed within a short period of time.
We helped the customer first to filter the most returning parts of software that were used in their machines, what led to a “functional decompensation” of the soft- and hardware to make a starting point for setting up the functional dements fort the standardisation.
The functional dements were used to make:
– Programming guide lines
– Specification for functionalities
– Design documentation
With this the first standard soft- and hardware block were build and documented that could be used in the projects.
To keep track of status and if everything was going as discussed the V-Model and scrum method were used.
The customer was able to develop their own standard further with the base we had setup for them.